Sex and Broadcasting

Sex and Broadcasting

Movie |

Radio Station | Radio

  • Duration: 1h 18min
  • Music: James Lavino
  • Similar To: The Last Repair Shop, Wham!
  • Story:
    SEX AND BROADCASTING is a feature length documentary about New Jersey's WFMU, the world's strangest and most unique radio station, and one man's attempt to keep it alive in the face of recession, the persistent threat of commercial media, and the challenges that come with keeping a rebellious group of outsiders together.
    Full Story

Sex and Broadcasting - Where to Stream?

Yay! The movie is available for streaming online and you can stream Sex and Broadcasting movie on Mubi. It is not available to buy/ rent online on any platforms right now.

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Videos: Trailers, Teasers, Featurettes

Sex And Broadcasting - Cast

Sex And Broadcasting - Crew

Sex and Broadcasting - IMAGE GALLERY


SEX AND BROADCASTING is a feature length documentary about New Jersey's WFMU, the world's strangest and most unique radio station, and one man's attempt to keep it alive in the face of recession, the persistent threat of commercial media, and the challenges that come with keeping a rebellious group of outsiders together.