Home Features Infinix GT 20 Pro aces India’s largest gaming and battery test

Infinix GT 20 Pro aces India’s largest gaming and battery test

Gaming has rapidly ascended to become one of the most beloved pastimes in India, captivating millions with its immersive experiences and competitive edge. As a result, the demand for smartphones that deliver reliable and solid gaming performance has skyrocketed. Enthusiasts and casual gamers alike are in search of devices that can handle intensive gaming sessions and maintain a high frame rate, without faltering in battery life or overheating.

To aid our readers in making informed decisions, 91mobiles has conducted an extensive battery and gaming test involving over 400 participants. These users played a popular game (Battlegrounds Mobile India) for 30 minutes on their smartphones and shared screenshots from the 3C Battery Manager app. This allowed us to meticulously track the battery drain and temperature increase during the gaming session.

Our comprehensive test aims to provide valuable insights into which smartphones can sustain gaming without compromising performance. By presenting real-world data on battery life and thermal management, we will help you identify the best devices suited for your gaming needs. Whether you're a dedicated gamer or someone who enjoys occasional play, our findings will guide you to the perfect smartphone that balances power, endurance, and efficiency. Before we discuss the results, let us share with you the process that we used to conduct our test.

91mobiles Gaming and Battery Test

To participate in the 91mobiles battery and gaming test, users followed a detailed process to ensure accurate and useful data collection. Here's how the process worked:

  1. Download 3C Battery Manager: Users started by downloading the 3C Battery Manager app on their smartphones. This app was essential for tracking battery usage and temperature changes during the gaming session.

  2. Download BGMI: Next, participants needed to have Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) installed on their devices. If they didn't already have it, they were instructed to download and install the game.

  3. Pre-Gaming Screenshot: Before starting their gaming session, users opened the 3C Battery Manager app and navigated to the Status tab. They took a screenshot of this page to capture the initial battery status and temperature.

  4. Gaming Session: Participants then played BGMI for at least 30 minutes. It was important that this session was uninterrupted to ensure the data collected was accurate.

  5. Post-Gaming Screenshot: After completing the 30-minute gaming session, users reopened the 3C Battery Manager app and navigated to the History tab. They took another screenshot to record the battery drain and temperature increase during the gameplay.

  6. Upload Screenshots: Finally, users visited the provided form and uploaded the two screenshots (one taken before and one after playing BGMI).

After following these steps, participants were required to:

By completing these steps, 427 users provided valuable data that allowed us to analyse battery drain and temperature increase across different smartphone models, helping other gamers make informed decisions about their next smartphone purchase.

Which phone performed the best?

Taking all these parameters into consideration, the Infinix GT 20 Pro emerged as the best handset in our extensive battery and gaming test. It demonstrated an impressive efficiency with a battery drop of only 4 percent and a temperature rise of just 1 degree Celsius during the 30-minute gaming session. So it's not surprising that Infinix' latest offering also got the best rating in terms of thermal efficiency. In comparison, most other phone models witnessed a temperature rise of 3 to 5 degree Celsius and there were quite a few that also recorded a temperature rise of 5 to 8 degree Celsius on our test.

Infinix GT 20 Pro 3C Battery Manager Screenshots - Before (left) and After (right).

In terms of battery drain, most phones recorded a drain of 5% to 9% on our test, followed by the range of 10% to 14% in the second place. As you can see, Infinix GT 20 Pro with a battery drain of 4% performs much better than most other handsets in terms of battery efficiency.

Battery level before playing the game37%
Battery level after 30 mins of gaming33%
Battery drain4%
Temperature before playing the game32°C
Temperature after 30 mins of gaming33°C
Temperature increase1°C

On top of this, the handset received the rating of 'Very Satisfied' (highest) in both gameplay experience and overall gaming experience. This stellar performance is complemented by a range of gaming-centric features that give the Infinix GT 20 Pro a distinct edge over the competition.

Here are the standout gaming features of the Infinix GT 20 Pro:

Top smartphones that the Infinix GT 20 Pro beat to be #1

The Infinix GT 20 Pro surely impressed with its performance - both qualitatively with its gaming experience as well as quantitatively as the results on the 3C Battery Manager app reflect. But there were many other smartphones that performed quite well, as shown in the table below.

One thing that's certain however, is that even if the battery drain or temperature increase wasn't significant, some of the phones didn't provide a satisfactory gaming experience.

Digging deeper into the gaming and battery test results

Along with finding the best gaming smartphone, the responses from users also throw some interesting insights. Even though phones are shipping with power-efficient chipsets and higher-capacity batteries, 6 in 10 users witnessed battery drain of more than 8% within just 30 minutes of gaming.

Thermal efficiency on the other hand, is becoming less of a concern with modern-day smartphones. More than 50 percent of respondents witnessed temperature increase of between 2 to 4 degree Celsius after 30 minutes of playing. That's not to say that heating isn't an issue at all as about 18.5 percent of users noticed temperature increase of more than 8 degree Celsius after gaming.


In conclusion, the Infinix GT 20 Pro stood out as the best phone across all our parameters, with its 90fps gaming, and showcasing minimal battery drain and temperature rise while delivering exceptional gaming performance. The response from over 400+ users not only underscores the prowess of the Infinix GT 20 Pro, but also provide a comprehensive view of the current gaming smartphone landscape in India.

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