Station to Station

Station to Station


  • :
  • Genre(s): Drama
  • Language(s): English
  • Director(s): Benjamin Bryant
  • Cast(s): David Eggers, Nailya Shakirova, Brandon Pitts, Benjamin Bryant, Jordan Getty See all Cast & Crew
  • Duration: 2h 9min
  • Award(s): Best Indie Film 2023 (Won)
    Best Ensemble Cast 2021 (Nominated) Awards List
  • Similar To: The Blue Angels, Wonka
  • Story:

    With his life back East upended, a young man escapes to the electric anonymity of Las Vegas. When an intriguing offer puts him on an unexpected path, he learns how easily things left unresolved find a way of forcing their own resolution.

    Full Story

Station to Station - Where to Stream?

Unfortunately, the movie Station to Station is not available to stream/stream on any of the streaming platforms in India. It is not available to buy online on any platforms right now. You can also rent the movie Station to Station on Eventive starting from Rs 331.85.

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Station To Station - Cast

Station To Station - Crew

Station to Station - IMAGE GALLERY



With his life back East upended, a young man escapes to the electric anonymity of Las Vegas. When an intriguing offer puts him on an unexpected path, he learns how easily things left unresolved find a way of forcing their own resolution.


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Best Indie Film Award

Best Ensemble | 2023 | David

International World Film Award

Best American Film | 2023 | David

Festival Award

Best Debut as a Filmmaker | 2023

Best LGBT Feature | 2021

Honorable Mention Award

Best Feature Film | 2023

of Recognition Award

Supporting Actress | 2021

Best Musical Score Award


(composer) | 2021

of Merit Special Mention Award

Leading Actor | 2021 | David

of Merit Award

Supporting Actor | 2021

IndieEye Film Award

Best Narrative Feature | 2021

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Best Ensemble Cast Award

(actor) | 2021


Festival Award

Best Actor | 2023 | David

Best Film | 2021

Best Independent Film Award

Best Independent Film | 2021

Jury Prize Award

Best Musical Score | 2021

Best Costume Design | 2021

Best Supporting Actor | 2021

Best Supporting Actress | 2021

Best Film Score | 2021

Best Drama Feature | 2021

Best Original Concept Award

(writerdirector) | 2021


Best Newcomer Director Award

(director) | 2021


Best Drama Feature Award

(writerdirector) | 2021




In the art gallery scene, Tom's pose in the black and white photograph is an homage to photographer Victor Skrebneski's 1991 photograph of David Bowie, taken during a shoot in advance of Bowie's wedding to actress and fashion model Iman. The second featured shot of Tom is posed in a manner reminiscent of the rare 1974 screen print of Bowie found in a shop in the Soho area of London.

The final name in the "thank you" block in the credits is "Zou Zou," director and editor Benjamin Bryant's dog, who sat with him while he edited and reviewed the film throughout post-production. Though Bryant also lost two other dogs around the time of principal production, he opted not to include them in the In Memoriam section out of respect for the humans memorialized there, including three parents of cast and crew and all who died during the concurrent COVID-19 pandemic.

Selected to be the Opening Night feature for the 2021 Las Vegas International Film and Screenwriting Festival, where it premiered November 9th, 2021, before a live Q&A with writer-director Benjamin Bryant and star David Eggers II.

Tom's opening scenes with Jennifer were shot twice, once in Las Vegas during principal production, and several months later during re-shoots near Washington D.C. After reviewing the initial cut, writer-director Benjamin Bryant felt the character of Jennifer needed more agency and the scenes greater impact. As Jennifer's portrayer Cheyenne Alexsys was now blonde for a different role, Bryant used the dramatic change in Alexsys's physical appearance to inform his re-imagining of the character of Jennifer and her presentation within the scenes.

The main character's love for David Bowie was not an original conception of writer-director Benjamin Bryant. It was added to the film at the suggestion of eventual star David Eggers II , who'd worked with Bryant on a previous project, long before he was cast in the role. Once he was cast, subtle Bowie's influences on Tom's presentation and wardrobe, further solidified.

Popular Dialogues

"Jordan: I wasn't hitting on you! I just offered to buy you a drink. Tom: So your plan was to hit on me AFTER I'd been drinking? Jordan: Would that increase my chances of success?"

"Tom: You remember I just got fired, right? You don't even want to know why? Jordan: Nope. And [whispering] Jordan: I wouldn't keep bringing that up while you're job hunting."